diari blogger bebas


Ramadhan ke 17

Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah. Tanggal 21 Julai adalah hari pertama Ramadhan bagi tahun ke 17 aku. Wow oh wow. Its been 17 years. I cant believe it, this year i can celebrate Ramadhan again. Days by days, Months by months, years by years, i faced so many things. Lost someone that i love. But hey, Ramadhan is all about happiness right. Anyway, Have fun celebrate this year's Ramadhan .

Ramadhan has come,
 to be with us,
again and again,
For almost thousands years.

the most joyful month for muslim,
no matter, rich or poor,
we celebrate it together,
with smiles.

Some of us will not going to meet you next year,
because the god had something,
that we never know.

I always pray,
that i will meet you again next year.



terima kasih atas pujian atau makian bagi yang benci blog saya.