diari blogger bebas


oh paul smith....

hye readers..maybe my title like GAY.but..yaaa its true.i want paul smith.hahaha.i want paul smith clothing.wohoooo....smart tahap gila babi...misi die cuma kna pgi KL.wohoo.ish..mmg thap ipan ar.amir nengok harga UK aout 150-300 pound sterling each.about RM555-1110..wohoo.tp mungkin murah skit kowt klo kt malaysia...npew la abh xnk bli mse die kena pegi UK..ish..cardigan die design 50's gitu.kn smart...oh yaaa.im not,shuffle,im not indie and im not tektonik..im amir ariff and the beatles fans.mungkin kowg nengok amir pkai cm ikut gaya owg..but its me,amir ariff..not fakers,not copycat and of coz not GAY..hahaha.knape amir ckp psl gay??nth la.bg amir,gay adlh pkataan biase.mksd gay dlm kpale amir adlh member rpt atau kwn shidup smati.haha.and lesbian dm pkiran amir ialh pompuan kwn nan pompuan but not love eah other.cm member baik atau kwn shidup smati la..spew stuju nan amir????and amir adlh amir...amir adlh remaja(ye kew rmaja) yg sukakn khidupn yg luarbiasa and suke brkwn..yaaa it true..i have a lot of kawan kaum pompuan.and diowg call amir jambu...hahaha.so wht..u guys gave me some title.and im proud of that.haha..klo kwn nan rmai kaum pompuan..jambu.....hha.amir suke nan gelaran uh bub amir kuat mkn jambu.haha..oh yaaa.i miss my uncle and aunts.oh..aunt mima call me jambu.haha.thanx auntie.heart u..ok guys.this is my advise..jgn ssekali malu nan gelaran yg owg bagi..stuju???

PS:yes,i am jambu,i am gay but not GAY(klo capital letter tu bru gay yg u noe wht) and i am amir ariff..

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